Autorent esimest korda

Rendin suvel esimest korda autot ja seega olen nende tingimuste kohapealt suht võhik. Et leidsin enda jaoks ühe huvitava variandi ja tingimused on järgmised:

THE PRICE INCLUDES: VAT (18%) UNLIMITED KM FULLY COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE (no excess charge) FREE AIRPORT DELIVERY (by shuttle bus during office hours, 08:00 - 23:00h) EXCLUSIVE: To be purchased on arrival.

The excess waiver does NOT cover traffic fines, tow truck due to driver´s negligence, loss of / damages to KEYS, WHEELS, GLASS, damage to clutch due to misuse, damage to underbody and roof, cleaning of upholstery, error in refuelling and costs involved and any other item not specifically mentioned as "included".

ADDITIONAL INSURANCE (wheels, windows for car groups A to F1 and P): **Note: If the optional insurance is not acquired, a security deposit of € 300.—will be required, refundable, if car is back without any of the referred damages. ADDITIONAL INSURANCE (covering damage to wheels, windows for all other car groups) OPTIONAL PREMIUM INSURANCE (covering damage to wheels, windows, mirrors and clutch for car groups A to F1 and P):

Oleks plaanis siis lisaks juurde võtta ka optional premium insurance. Oskab nüüd keeg pädevam ehk öelda , kudas tingimused on ja mida tuleks veel küsida/juurde võtta?

Kus sa seda rendid ja mis tüüpi masinat ja kelle pakkumine see on? Enamus tsiviliseeritud riikides mina mingit lisakindlustust ei võtaks. Aga jah, kõik oleneb.
