Ülevaade Black Friday pakkumistest. Loe lähemalt
Albaania eestlased

On sellist asja yldse olemas.... v6i kui see on parateema, siis t2nasest enam ei ole:D ...asusin sinna elama ja kindlasti pole ma esimene eestlane sealkandis,kuid pole leidnud kusklt yhtegi vihjet seal kandis elavatele eestlastele aga ma sooviks leida kontakt kui keegi seal elab. t2nan.

Tead, mind väga huvitab kuidas on seal suhtumine eesti naisesse ja üldse mis teed sind sinna viisid... Mul plaanis minna Annaba ülikooli Alzeerias...midagi uut


olen väike kirjastaja ja korraldame siin raamatuid isiklikest kogemustest eri maadest. Ja Albaania oleks jube põnev... Kui sul on veidigi kirjutamissoont ja-soovi ja kui jääd sinna kauemaks (vist jääd, sest ütled, et asud elama), võta ühendust. [email protected]


Jah, ega plaan on kyll pikemaks ajaks jääda. Vähemalt nii kauaks kui kestavad õpingud. Igatahes suurima heameelega olen valmis oma emotsioone jagama.


aga,kas siis t6esti pole peale minu siin eestlasi?


Yks hea uudis on, piiril ei pidanud enam 10 euri maksma!!!


Kirjuta mulle palun

[email protected]

Albaanias ma küll ei ela, aga sõpru mul seal piisavalt, ja ise olen seal käinud :)) Abikaasa albaanlane.


Ei ela kull Albaanias, kuid Abaania- Makedoonia piiri aarses linnas Strugas :) (jarve aares) Olen abielus makedoonlasga. Kui siia satud anna marku :) Voi kirjuta mulle [email protected] Nii harva kui siin kandis eestlaseid kohtab :)


Neile, kes küsivad võimaliku kooselu kohta albaanlastega... Ajendatuna äsja ilmunud "Minu Albaania" raamatust, ei julge küll eestlastele kooselu selle rahvuse esindajaga soovitada. Väga šokeeriv, aga õpetlik lugu.

Kindlasti ei saa üldistada ja jõhkardeid ning psühhopaate võib leiduda igal pool sõltumata rahvusest ja riigist, kuid tasub olla vähemalt võimalikest ohtudest ja stsenaariumitest teadlik.

Need, kes pole veel seda nimetatud raamatut lugenud, aga plaanivad kooselu albaanlasega, mainin nii palju, et albaanlased, kes elavad välismaal, võivad käituda täiesti normaalselt ja euroopalikult. Kuid naastes kodumaale Albaaniasse, võivad nende tõekspidamised ja käitumine muutuda totaalselt ning seda mitte meile sobivas suunas.


Ma tean et preagu 5 eestlased elavad Albaanias. Ma tunnen ühe neist kes on abielus albaanlasega ja ta elab Albaanias hetkel. Ta elas Albaanias 4 aastat. See "Minu Albaania" raamat on jama ja väga halb raamat.


I am almost finishing reading the book, and I would say that while reading it I laughed a lot from the outrageous and false statements made by the author about Albania. At the same time, I was thinking that one person who reads this book, might really take those things said about Albania as true, and create a false impression about the country. While what happened to Helmi is her own experience, and unfortunately a very bad experience, she cannot claim that what happened to her has to apply to every single woman living in Albania. The book opens with a map which is similar to those maps drawn by the early colonizers of Americas, Africa, Australia etc. The map is very simple, and shows Albania as an empty land, with two towns, a pile of garbage, stray dogs, and "hulkuvad lehmad". Maybe the author saw cows grazing on meadows, and she thought that they are stray, as she is used to see cows living in small cages, in big industrial stables, where cows never see the sunlight, until they are butchered. Throughout the book, the author tries to convince the reader, that Albania is a barbaric, Muslim country, although she fails to present any logical arguments to such statement. She herself says that her husband doesn't believe in God, doesn't go to church or mosque, but still, she tries to convince the reader that he is a Muslim, because he mistreats her. She goes that far, as to explain to the reader, that Albanians call the market "pazar", which according to her, comes from Arabic. This small detail shows that she is trying to show that Albanians are Muslims, and therefore connected to Arabs. By the way, the word "pazar" comes from Persian "bazaar", and it is a word which is found in English, Italian, and all the other languages of the Balkans. In Albanian the word for market is "treg", and the other version used mostly in the spoken language is "pazar". The author tries to play with stereotypes, like when she says that the skin of her husband was as white as hers (hello...), or when she says that Albania is a Muslim country, but unfortunately, she fails to find any elements to support her thesis. The author goes as far as to say "Albanian women are not allowed to own a cell phone, use Internet, and go for shopping, to Internet cafes, and to bars without accompanied by a man". It amuses me to read such statements, as it seems that there is a lot of imagination in this book. Albania has 3 million people, and has more than 4.1 mobile phone subscribers. Mobile phones are so widespread, such as I have never known an Albanian woman (or girl and child) which doesn't have a cell phone. The fact that Helmi's crazy husband didn't want her to have a cell phone, doesn't mean that other women don't have cell phones. As for women not allowed to go shopping alone, this really made me fall off the chair from laughter. It would be really a miracle if most of Albanian men would go with their wives to do shopping. In Albania, as in Estonia and most of the world, women have the burden to go shopping and think about buying things for the house. Usually, their men don't go with them to help them buy things and carry them at home. As for women going to bars, here we have to know that Albania is not a single village. While in many villages the local bars are full of men drinking, and women would feel very uncomfortable going there, as men would harass them, in towns and cities it is very common to see girls and women sitting in cafes, as in cities usually you don't have a single bar where some horny, perverted men are sitting only. I would have liked the book if it were a description of what happened to Helmi, and the description of those events. But the statements "Albanians do this, Albanian women are like this, Albanians are like this and that" and the wrong, ignorant statements about many things which she generalizes, destroy the image of the book, and make it a very dangerous source of information for those who know nothing about Albania, or don't want to know anything about Albania and get the wrong facts from the book.


Kahjuks juhtub selliseid olukordi ka Eestis, mitte ainult Albaanias. Nii palju, kui olen albaanlastega kohtunud, siis nad küll psühhopaadid pole, kuid mõningast seksismi võib märgata. Samuti ei tähenda teise riiki kolimine tingimata suhet või kooselu, huvitaks just see, kuidas inimesed seal üksi elavad. Näiteks, kas naisel on võimalik seal elada ja ringi liikuda, ilma, et peaks olema meessoost saatjat, vägistamisohtu ja oleks juurdepääs kõrgekvaliteetsele internetile? Sest muus mõttes tundub mõnus, turismikompleksidest rikkumata ja soe riik olevat.
