on plaan minna Seattle'sse,moneks ajaks, ehk saab siit head nou, kuidas seda teha odavamat viisi.ja voib olla ka yksi pulgi ära tuua mida tegema peaks.Tean. et vaja boimeetrilist passi kui läed viisa vabalt olen natsa ka uurind seda.see oleks mu esimene reis yldse, yle suure lombi. tänud ette
British Ariways sooduskampaania: alates 8500 kr http://www.estravel.ee/index.php?lang=est&main_id=1415,15,1509&show=uudised&id=2549 See on hea hind!
Mis see boimeetriline pass on? Kas sõnast boi ( Boi (plural: bois) is a term used within LGBT and butch and femme communities to refer to a person's sexual and gender identity.[1][2] In lesbian communities, there is an increasing acceptance of variant gender expression and intersexuality, as well as allowing people to self-identify with labels such as boi.[3][4][5] The term may denote a number of possibilities that are not mutually exclusive )