Arvestades hetke näljahäda on seal olukord vist üsna raske.
Formaalselt peaks nüüd olema taas võimalik, aga kui kevadel lääne Aafrikas olin, siis pandi riigipöörde ajaks kõik piirid päeva pealt kinni, et keegi sisse ega välja ei saaks. Kui tõesti plaan minna on siis on ohutum otse kohale lennata.
LP Thorn Tree-st: The crime rate is exceptionally high. Walking, even during the day, is not recommended. Most foreigners employ security guards at their homes 24 hours a day. Foreigners and others are subject to assault and petty crimes such as pickpocketing, fraud and scams. Criminals are often armed. Most criminals operate in areas frequented by travelers and foreigners. To reduce vulnerability, avoid displaying signs of affluence, change travel routes regularly, avoid walking after dark and take only taxis pre-arranged by hosts or hotel staff, even for the shortest trips.
Public transportation is not secure. Travel only by taxi, preferably ones arranged by your hotel or hosts. Avoid travel to border areas, especially northern border areas. Criminal gangs operate freely along Niger's borders and may set up roadblocks to rob travelers. Avoid border regions except in the company of a trusted guide who is familiar with the area.
Militants from Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) pose a significant kidnapping threat to foreign visitors in northern Niger. Insurgents have staged several kidnappings along the border of Mali and Niger. AQIM often releases hostages once they receive ransom, but in January 2009 militants killed a British citizen in their custody. The presence of a small Islamic fundamentalist movement is also becoming a growing concern."
Reisiplaan tekkis seoses kohaliku festivaliga Cure Salee. Kõiki turvanõudeid oleme järginud, viisad said ka just passi. Liigume autodega ja kohalike abiga. Kaasas sat-telefonid ning kahes kohas ka konvoi. Lootsin, et ehk keegi on värskemalt käinud ja teab olukorda veel paremini. Lendame otse kohale Pariis-Niamey. 9 ööd 15'st ööbime kohalike juures.